
Bio: ‘In West Philadelphia born and raised
On the playground was where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin', all cool
And all shootin' some b-ball outside of the school’

Oh no wait, that was the Fresh Prince!

I was born and raised in Bristol and spent most of my childhood playing outside, climbing tree’s and riding bikes. My grandad was a big influence in my early childhood as he would take us on mini adventures to the local river and forest where we would explore, make things and cook on campfires. After Uni in Portsmouth and adventuring around Europe I settled in Chichester, married my beautiful wife Claire and soon after had two beautiful children! I continued my love of the outdoors by training to be a Forest School Practitioner and have spent 12 years providing opportunities for toddlers, children, teens and grown up children to adventure and enjoy the outdoor world as well as discover all the physical, emotional and mental benefits that come from time spent in nature. My passion is connecting us all with nature in the hope that we will want to protect it for our future generations.

Fun fact about you: I started my firefighter training before realising that I enjoy lighting fires more than putting them out, so trained to be a Forest School leader.

Favourite colour: Natures Green

Favourite CSS Activity: Uhh Forest School Obvs!

What would your superpower be and why? Marty McFly - Timetraveller to foresee events and then be able to stop them occurring.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Taller

If you could be invisible for the day, where would you go? Diving with Blue whales