
Bio: I am a Primary School Teacher and have worked in teaching for 10 years. I love teaching primary age children as I enjoy a wide range of subjects. Before I was a teacher, I trained in musical theatre and love to sing, act and dance. Now, I enjoy channelling that training into teaching children performance. I also love sports and play netball in a league with a team of friends. I have a little girl, Matilda, who is 1 and a half and keeps me very busy!

Fun fact about you: I used to play football for Pompey Ladies as an under 12! (sadly I have no football ability now!?)

Favourite colour: Blue

Favourite CSS Activity: Sports, Performing and Baking (I can't choose!)

What would your superpower be and why? Flying

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Teacher or Performer

If you could be invisible for the day, where would you go?Buckingham Palace